Publications (selected) |
(Updated Jan 2025)
*Catalano, AJ, Hall, DM, *Gentil, GM. 2025. Examining local truth regimes on flooding and river management in the Lower Missouri River Basin, USA. Environmental Management. DOI: 10.1007/s00267-025-02110-8 Gutierrez-Lopez, J, McGarvey, RG, Noble, J, Hall, DM, Costello, C,. 2024. Quantification of social metrics for use in optimization: An application to solid waste management. Journal of Cleaner Production, 480(11):144111 Hall, DM. 2024. The authority of place. In Environmental communication. Carvalho, A, Peterson, TR (Eds.) Berlin: De Gruyter. ISBN: 978-3-11-077483-2, p. 345–360. DOI:10.1515/9783110789553-017 Wilhelm Stanis, SA, Piontek, E, Li, Xu, S, Mallinak, A, Nilon, C, Hall, DM. 2024. Residents’ perception of urban greenspace in a shrinking city: Ecosystem services and environmental justice. Land, 13(10): 1554. DOI: 10.3390/land13101554 Adelsperger, SA. Ficklin, DL, Robeson, SM, Zimmer, MA, Hammond, JC, Hall, DM, Gannon, JP. 2024. Agricultural tile drains increase the susceptibility of streams to longer and more intense streamflow droughts. Environmental Research Letters, 19:104071 DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ad77e9 Hall, DM, Avellaneda, PM, Ficklin, D, Knouft, J, Lowry, CS. 2024. How to close the loop with citizen scientists to advance meaningful science. Sustainability Science, 19(5): 1527–1542. DOI: 10.1007/s11625-024-01532-3 *Catalano AJ, *Gentil GM, Hall DM, 2024. Flood resiliency engagement in repetitive-loss Missouri River communities: Brunswick, MO, USA. Technical report submitted to Missouri Department of Natural Resources, 90 pages. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18661.00482 Hall, DM, Avellaneda, PM, Ficklin, D, Knouft, J, Lowry, CS. 2024. Citizen silence: Missed opportunities in citizen science. BioScience. DOI: 10.1093/biosci/biae020 van Rees, CB, Chambers, ML, Bledsoe, BP, *Catalano, AJ, Hall, DM, Huang, Y, Lammers, RW, Landry, CE, Nelson, DR, Shudtz, M, Suedel, BC. 2024. An Interdisciplinary Overview of Levee Setback Benefits: Supporting Spatial Planning and Implementation of Riverine Nature-based Solutions Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews WIREs: Water, DOI: 10.1002/wat2.1750. Desiderio, E, Garcia-Herrero, L, Hall, DM, Segrè, A, Vittuari, M. 2024. From youth engagement to policy insights: Identifying and testing food systems’ sustainability indicators. Environmental Science & Policy,155, 103718 DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2024.103718 Hall DM, *Catalano AJ, *Gentil GM. 2024. Flood resiliency engagement in repetitive-loss Missouri River communities: Jefferson City, MO, USA. technical report submitted to Missouri Department of Natural Resources, 82 pages. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12379.75048 Harris, KL, Hall, DM, Finke, DL. 2023. Who cares about monarch butterflies? Comparing US State Wildlife Action Plans 2015–2025. Conservation Letters. DOI: 10.1111/conl.12976. Chambers, ML, van Rees, CB, Bledsoe, BP, Crane, D, Ferreira, S, Hall, DM, Huang, Y, Lammers, RW, Landry, CE, Nelson, DR, Shudtz, M, Suedel, BC. 2023. Nature-based solutions for leveed river corridors. Anthropocene, 100417. Gutierrez-Lopez, J, McGarvey, RG, Costello, C, Hall, DM. 2023. Decision support frameworks in solid waste management: A systematic review of multi-criteria decision-making with sustainability and social indicators. Sustainability 15(18): 13316 DOI: 10.3390/su151813316 Schulz, JH, Wilhelm Stanis, SA, Morgan M, Li, CJ, Hall, DM, Webb, EB, Rotman, RM. 2023. Policy comparison of lead hunting ammunition bans and voluntary nonlead programs for California condors. Wildlife Society Bulletin, DOI: 10.1002/wsb.1448 Hall DM, *Catalano AJ. 2023. Piloting a flood resiliency engagement process in repetitive-loss Missouri River communities: Holt County, MO, USA. Project 0069222 Missouri Department of Natural Resources, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29959.16807 Kronenberg, R., Lovell, S., Hall, DM. Harmon-Threatt, A. 2023. Missouri natural resource professionals share key insights for supporting agroforestry practices through cost-share funding available from USDA conservation programs. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 38: e18 DOI: 10.1017/S1742170523000054 Gilbertz, SJ, Hall, DM. 2022. Bringing Sustainability to the Ground Level: Competing Demands in the Yellowstone River Valley. Foreword by Hoffman, Andrew J. New York: Business Expert Press. ISBN 9781637421482 Romanova, O, Gold, M, Hall, DM, Hendrickson, M. 2022. “A lot of people just like trees”: Perspectives of agroforestry practitioners on agroforestry adoption. Rural Sociology, DOI: 10.1111/ruso.12463. Barnason, S, Li, CJ, Hall, DM, Wilhelm-Stanis, SA, Schulz, JH. 2022. Environmental action programs using positive youth development increase civic engagement outcomes. Sustainability, 14(11):6781, DOI:10.3390/su14116781 *Sarfaraz, MU, Hall, DM, Rotman, R. 2022. Data sharing in transboundary water management. Frontiers in Water, 4:982605, DOI: 10.3389/frwa.2022.982605 Desiderio, E, Garcia Herrero, L, Hall, DM, Segrè, A, Vittuari, M. 2022. Social sustainability tools and indicators for the food supply chain: a systematic literature review. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 30: 527-540. *Burr, AK, Hall, DM, *Schaeg, N. 2021. Wildness and wild spaces in residential yards: Changing neighborhood norms to support pollinator populations. Sustainability, 13(22):12861, Hall, DM, Gilbertz, SJ, Anderson, MA, Avellaneda, P, Ficklin, DL, Knouft, JH., Lowry CS, 2021. Mechanisms for engaging social systems in freshwater science research. Freshwater Science, 40(1): 245–251. DOI: 10.1086/713039 Knouft, JH, Botero-Acosta, A, Wu, C, Charry, B, Chu, ML, Dell, AI, Hall, DM, Herrington, SJ. 2021. The potential of riparian buffers to serve as climate adaptation tools for the sustainability of flow and thermal regimes in riverine systems. Sustainability, 13, 1877. DOI: 10.3390/su13041877 *Emerson MR, Hall DM, Gilbertz SJ. 2021. Pipeline pipedreams: Oil spills, pipeline accidents, and the local truths embedding fossil fuels in the Yellowstone River valley, United States. Energy Research & Social Science, 72. Schulz, JH, Wilhelm Stanis, SA, Hall, DM, Webb, EB. 2021. Until it’s a regulation it’s just not my fight: Complexities of a voluntary nonlead hunting ammunition program. Journal of Environmental Management, 277(1) 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111438 Schulz, JH, Wilhelm Stanis, SA, Morgan M, Li, CJ, Hall, DM, Webb, EB. 2021. Perspectives from natural resource professionals: Attitudes on lead ammunition risks and use of nonlead ammunition. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 33. 100341 DOI: 10.1016/j.jort.2020.100341. Hall, DM, *Kidd, KR, *Emerson, MR, Gilbertz, SJ, 2021. Comparative Analysis of Yellowstone River Cultural Inventory 2006–2018. Co-Sponsored by the Yellowstone River Conservation District Council, US Army Corps of Engineers. 468663 Planning Assistance Study MT. 161 pages. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29438.72001 or Gilbertz, SJ, *Emerson, MR, *Kidd, KR, Hall, DM. 2021. Yellowstone River Cultural Inventory-2018: Summary Report of all Segments. Co-Sponsored by the Yellowstone River Conservation District Council, US Army Corps of Engineers. 468663 Planning Assistance Study MT. 111 pages. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18860.80005/1 or Avellaneda, PM, Ficklin, DL, Lowery, CS, Knouft, J, Hall, DM. 2020. Improving hydrological models with the assimilation of citizen science data. Water Resources Research, 10.1029/2019WR026325. Hall, DM, Martins, DJ. 2020. Human dimensions of insect pollinator conservation. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 38, 104-114. DOI: 10.1016/j.cois.2020.04.001 Langellotto, GA., Hall, DM. 2020. Urban Insects. (Eds.) Douglas, I. et al. Routledge Handbook of Urban Ecology (2nd Ed.), Chapter 31. Hall, DM, *Steiner, R. 2020. Policy content analysis: Qualitative method for analyzing sub-national insect pollinator legislation. MethodsX: Biological Sciences, 7, 100787 10.1016/j.mex.2020.100787 *Kunkel, L, Hall, DM. 2020. Improving site assessment tools in emerging technologies: The case of highway vertical-axis wind turbines in the United States. Energy Research & Social Science, 64 Gilbertz, SJ, *Emerson MR, Hall, DM. 2020. Yellowstone River Cultural Inventory-2012: Summary Report of all Segments. Co-Sponsored by the Yellowstone River Conservation District Council, with funding from the US Army Corps of Engineers. 468663 Planning Assistance Study MT. 94 pages. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22355.12321 or Hall, DM, Lazarus, ED., Thompson, JL., 2019. Mediated modeling and participatory modeling. In Fath, B. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Ecology 2nd Ed. Elsevier, 129–135. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.10574-3 Horton, CH, Gilbertz, SJ, Hall, DM., Peterson, TR. 2019. Negotiating the democratic paradox: Approaches drawn from governance efforts on Yellowstone River. Frontiers in Communication: Science and Environmental Communication. 4 (25), 10.3389/fcomm.2019.00025 Gilbertz, S, Hall, DM, Ward, L, Anderson, M. 2019. Science on the sideline: Pragmatism and the Yellowstone River Basin Advisory Council. Water Resources Management. 33(4): 1411–1424. Lowry, CS, Fienen, MN, Hall, DM. Stepenuck, K, 2019. Growing Pains of Crowdsourced Stream Stage Monitoring using Mobile Phones: The Development of CrowdHydrology. Frontiers in Earth Science Krause, KP, Chien, H., Ficklin, DL, Hall, DM, Schuster, GA, Swannack, TM, Taylor, CA, Knouft, JH. 2019. Streamflow regimes and geologic conditions are more important than water temperature when projecting future crayfish distributions. Climatic Change, 154: 107–123. Schulz, JH, Wilhelm Stanis, SA, Webb, EB, Li, CJ, Hall, DM. 2019. Communication strategies for reducing lead poisoning in wildlife and human health risks. Wildlife Society Bulletin, DOI: 10.1002/wsb.955 Hall, DM, *Steiner, R. 2019. Insect pollinator conservation policy innovations at subnational levels: Lessons for lawmakers. Environmental Science & Policy, 93:118-128. Barrett B., Quinn J., Houseman R., Hall DM. 2018. Native insect pollinators and their habitats. M404. Master Pollinator Steward. University of Missouri Extension, Columbia, MO. *Burr, AK, Hall, DM, *Schaeg, N, 2018. The perfect lawn: exploring neighborhood socio-cultural drivers for insect pollinator habitat. Urban Ecosystems, 21(6):1123–1137. *Burr, A., *Schaeg, N., Hall, D.M. 2018. Assessing residential front yards using Google Street View and geospatial video: A virtual survey approach for urban pollinator conservation. Applied Geography, 92: 12-20. Anderson, M., Gilbertz S., Ward, L., McEvoy, J., Hall, D.M. 2018. Prior appropriation and water planning reform in Montana’s Yellowstone River Basin: Path dependency or boundary object? Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 20(2):198–213. Hall, D.M., Feldpausch-Parker, A., Peterson T.R., Stephens J., Wilson E.J. 2017. Social-ecological system resonance: a framework for brokering sustainable solutions. Sustainability Science 12(3): 381-392. DOI: 10.1007/s11625-017-0424-6 Hall, D.M., Camilo, G.D., Tonietto, R.K., Ollerton, J., Ahrné, K., Arduser, M., Ascher, J.S., Baldock, K.C.R., Fowler, R.E., Frankie, G.W., Goulson, D., Gunnarsson, B., Hanley, M.E., Jackson, J.I., Langellotto, G., Lowenstein, D., Minor, E.S., Philpott, S.M., Potts, S.G., Sirohi, M.H., Spevak, E.M., Stone, G., Threlfall, C., 2017. The city as a refuge for insect pollinators. Conservation Biology. 31(1):24–29. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12840 Ward, L., Anderson, M., Gilbertz S., McEvoy, J., Hall, D.M. 2017. Public stealth and boundary objects: coping with integrated water resource management and the post-political condition in Montana's portion of the Yellowstone River Watershed. Geoforum, 83:1–13. *Boettge, B., Hall, D.M., Crawford T. 2017. Assessing the bicycle network in St. Louis: A place-based user-centered approach. Sustainability, 9:1–18. Horton, C.C., Hall, D.M., Gilbertz, S.J., Peterson, T.R. 2017. Voice as an entry to agriculturalists’ conservationist identity: A cultural inventory of the Yellowstone River. Environmental Communication: Journal of Nature and Culture, 5, 609–623. *Burr, A., *Schaeg, N., Muñiz, P., Camilo, G.D., Hall, D.M. 2016. Wild bees in the city: Reimagining urban spaces for native bee health. Consilience: The Journal of Sustainable Development, 16(1): 96–121. Hall, D.M., Gilbertz, S.J., Anderson, M., Ward, L. 2016. Beyond "buy-in": Designing citizen participation in water planning as research. Journal of Cleaner Production, 133:725–734. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.05.170 Anderson, M., Ward, L., McEnvoy, J., Gilbertz., S.J., Hall, D.M., 2016. Developing the water commons: the (post)political condition and the politics of “shared giving” in Montana. Geoforum, 74:147–157. Anderson, M., Hall, D.M., McEnvoy, J., Gilbertz., S.J., Ward, L., Rode, A. 2016. Defending dissensus: participatory governance and the politics of water measurement in Montana’s Yellowstone River Basin. Environmental Politics, 25(6):991–1012. Hall, D.M., *Burr, A., *Schaeg, N. 2016. Sustainability science for urban pollinator research and conservation. Ecojesuit: Ecology and Jesuits in Communication, Jan. 15. En Español: Ciencia de la sostenibilidad para la investigación y conservación de polinización. En français: Science de la durabilité pour la recherche et la conservation des pollinisateurs en milieu urbain. Lazarus, E.D., Ellis, M., Murray, A.B., Hall, D.M. 2016. An evolving research agenda for human-coastal systems. Geomorphology, 256, 81–90. Hall, D.M., Lazarus, E.D. 2015. Deep waters: Lessons from community meetings about offshore wind resource development in the US. Marine Policy, 57, 9–17. Hall, D.M., Swannack, T.M., Lazarus, E.D., Peterson, M.J., Gilbertz, S.J., Horton, C.C., Peterson, T.R. 2015. Integrating social power and political influence into models of social-ecological systems. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 4(2), 61–76. Hall, D.M., Lazarus, E.D., Swannack, T.S. 2014. Strategies for communicating systems models. Environmental Modelling & Software, 55, 70−76. Jemison, J.M., Hall, D.M., Welcomer, S., Haskell, J. 2014. How to communicate with farmers about climate change: Farmers' perceptions and adaptations to increasingly variable weather patterns in Maine. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 4(4), 1–14. Hall, D.M., Gilbertz, S., Horton, C., Peterson, T.R. 2013. Integrating divergent representations of place into decision contexts. In W.P. Stewart, D.R. Williams, & L. E. Kruger (Eds.), Place-based conservation: Perspectives from the social sciences (pp. 121–136). New York, NY: Springer. Chaudhry, R. Fischlein, M., Larson, J., Hall, D.M., Peterson, T.R., Wilson, E.J., Stephens, J.C. 2013. Policy stakeholders’ perceptions of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): A comparison of four U.S. States. Journal of Cleaner Production, 52, 21–32. Feldpausch-Parker, A.M., Ragland, C., Melnick, L.L., Chaudhry, R., Hall, D.M., Peterson, T.R., Stephens, J.C., Wilson, E.J. 2013. Spreading the news on carbon capture and storage: A state-level comparison of US media. Environmental Communication: Journal of Nature and Culture, 7(3), 336–354. Gilbertz, S.G., Hall, D.M., Ward, L. 2013. Yellowstone River Basin Advisory Council: Membership & Report of 2013 Public Scoping Activities. Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation. Hall, D.M., Gilbertz, S., Horton, C., Peterson, T.R. 2012. Culture as a means to contextualize policy. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 2(3), 222−233. Hall, D.M., Silka, L., Lindenfeld, L. 2012. Advancing science and improving quality of place: Linking knowledge with action in Maine's Sustainability Solutions Initiative. Maine Policy Review, 21(1), 22−29. Lindenfeld, L., Hall, D.M., McGreavy, B., Silka, L., Hart, D. 2012. Creating a place for environmental communication research in sustainability science. Environmental Communication: Journal of Nature and Culture, 6(1), 23–43. Feldpausch-Parker, A.M., Chaudhry, R., Stephens, J.C., Fischlein, M., Hall, D.M., Melnick, L.L., Peterson, T.R., Ragland, C.J., Wilson, E.J. 2011. A comparative state-level analysis of carbon capture and storage (CCS) discourse among US energy stakeholders and the public. Energy Procedia, 4, 6368−6375. Gilbertz, S., Austin, E.A., Norton, J., Horton, C., Hall, D.M. 2011. Wicked wisdoms: Illuminations of conceptual capacities among local leaders of the Yellowstone River. Studies in Sociology of Science, 2(2). Peterson, M.J., Hall, D.M., Feldpausch, A.M., Peterson, T.R. 2010. Obscuring ecosystem function with application of the ecosystem services concept. Conservation Biology, 24(1), 113−119. Fischlein, M., Larson, J., Hall, D.M., Chaudhry, R., Peterson, T.R., Stephens, J.C., Wilson, E.J. 2010. Policy stakeholders and deployment of wind power in the sub-national context: A comparison of four U.S. states. Energy Policy, 3, 4429–4439. Hall, D.M., Bernacchi, L., Milstein, T.O., Peterson, T.R. 2009. Calling all artists: Moving climate change from my space to my place. In: D. Endres, L. Sprain, & T.R. Peterson. Social Movement to Address Climate Change: Local Steps for Global Action. (pp. 53–79). Amherst, NY: Cambria Press. Wood, R., Hall, D.M., Hasain Jr., M. 2008. Globalization, social justice movements, and the human genome diversity debates. In: M. Dutta-Bergman and H. Zoller. Emerging Perspectives in Health Communication: Meaning, Culture, and Power. London: Routledge, pp. 431–446. Gilbertz, S.J., Horton, C.C., Hall, D.M. 2007. Yellowstone River Cultural Inventory. United States Corps of Engineers and the Greater Yellowstone River Conservation District Council. 787 pages. Available at: Data Archived at: Hall, D.M. 2006. Common sense fieldwork on the Yellowstone River. Rocky Mountain Communication Review, 3(1), 89–95. Technical Reports Hall, DM, Camilo, GR, *Burr, A, Muñiz, PA, *Schaeg, N, Brant, R. 2018. Bee habitat conservation in the city: Residential collaborations for insect pollinator research and conservation. Cooperative Agreement No. 336 Technical Report submitted to Missouri Department of Conservation. 216 pages. Hall, DM, Camilo, GR, *Schaeg, N, *Burr, A. 2016. Urban wildlife conservation: Partnering with urban residential homeowners for habitat conservation from the wild bees’ perspective. Cooperative Agreement No. 359 Technical Report submitted to Missouri Department of Conservation. 254 pages. Gilbertz, SG, Hall, DM, Ward, L. 2013. Yellowstone River Basin Advisory Council: Membership & Report of 2013 Public Scoping Activities. Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation. 43 pages. Jemison, J, Welcomer, S, Hall, DM, Haskell, J. 2012. Assessing Maine’s Agricultural Future – 2025. Summary of Research Findings, University of Maine Cooperative Extension. 2 pages. Hall, DM, **Lozier, C, MacDonald, S, Viselli, E. 2011. Public Voices in Maine’s Deepwater Offshore Wind Research & Development: Guide for Policymakers. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Maine Renewable Energy Task Force member brief. 5 pages. Swannack, TM, Hall, DM, Grant, WE. 2009. National Park Service Socioeconomic Conceptual Modeling Workshop. National Park Service Social Science Program. 35 pages. * Denotes graduate or ** undergraduate student advisee. |